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The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education. They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

The Scottish Education Awards 2015 have officially launched and once again the event promises to be the highlight of the Scottish education calendar.

Nominations for this year's awards are now open.

Learning Through Technology Award
The Scottish Education Awards recognise schools and centres that have developed a vibrant and progressive culture and climate of continuous innovation.

The culture and ethos should promote respect, ambition and achievement whilst striving for the maximum for every learner.

For your nomination to be considered, you are required to respond to the statement above and in detail to the following questions. This should include practical activities and projects your school has undertaken, detailing the impact these strategies have had on pupils, staff, parents and the community.

    In which of the six areas of the technologies curriculum do you think your establishment is sector leading?
    In what ways are learners using the technologies to develop skills for learning, life and work?
    How is learning supported by the technologies in other curriculum areas?

Describe the outcomes of these approaches in terms of impact on:

    children and young people
    the whole school community
    the wider community

To nominate, browse through the list of nomination categories and criteria and then complete the nomination form. You may also find it helpful as part of the nomination process to read the hints and tips as well as look at an example nomination from a previous year.

View all Nomination Categories