Hits: 4232

We had a range of great discussions at our Members Network Meeting held on 30th January at Skills Development Scotlands offices in Glasgow.

Our main speaker was Ian Fyfe from Skills Development Scotland who gave an overview of the Partner Zone of My World of Work.  There's an enormous resource included within My World of Work, and it's well worth a visit so you can either use these tools directly with your staff and customers, or even just to get an idea of what you can include within your LMS or learning portal.

We followed up Ians presentation by a round table discussion about the tools we're using and the challenges we're expecting to face in the coming year.

Tools discussions included Create eLearning, Articulate Storyline, LAB within LearnPro and BILD within Brightwave.  Whilst these tools are being used across a number of our Member organisations (often in isolation in though), there's a definite desire to share ideas about learning and best practice discovered through hands-on use.  At the Alliance we will continue to collect data about these areas of common interest, and as opportunties arise, we'll arrange further Members Meetings to bring together those with an interest in learning and sharing.

Our discussions through-out the afternoon were however far more wide ranging that just development tools.  We also covered issues around SCORM, mobile learning, BYOD policies, communities of practice, sourcing content and open education resource practices.

We're currently pulling together a set of resources to accompany the notes from the Members Meeting and these will be published later in the week.

If you have a topic of interest you would be interested in sharing with Members of the eLearning Alliance, then get in touch and we'll see how we can help you get your message across.