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The 11th eLearning Africa will bring together decision makers and practitioners from across the education, business and public sectors to debate, share and take action on all themes surrounding access, openness, skills, pedagogy, sustainable development, best practice and more.

Africa is on the move. African economies are growing. Governments and businesses are looking at the future with optimism. The African Union has set out its Vision 2063, a view of what Africa might look like in fifty years. But how can vision be turned into reality? How can Africa be truly transformed? How can education and technology contribute to the transformation? And what role could a transformed Africa play in shaping tomorrow's world?

Theme 2016: Making Vision Reality

eLearning Africa 2016 will look at the role education and technology are playing in achieving the African Union's vision of a "transformed continent". How can we accelerate the pace of change? What needs to be done? What resources are available? How can vision become reality?

The following subthemes are offered as a guide to submitting your proposal. However, we welcome any proposal on ICT for development, education and training that fits under this year's overall theme.

Contribute your research, stories, thinking, experiences and expertise by submitting your proposal before January 18, 2016. Find out more here ...