Hits: 2496

The annual survey from the eLearning Alliance helps us track trends in the eLearning market, allowing us to keep a weather eye on the current and important issues to our Members and non-Members alike.
The survey results also help us to monitor how the market is moving.  We will collate this year’s data with that collected in previous years, and this will help to show the movement there has been in the key issues.  This data helps to add a degree of certainty, to what is often only a gut feel.
And finally, the survey provides the Alliance with information about the services we provide, and helps us to identify possible changes we may need to adopt moving forward.
The survey is open for 6 weeks (closing on 1st August), and I would be grateful if in this time you could find a few minutes to complete the questions and help in the continuing development of the eLearning Alliance.
We will send a summary of the results to all eLearning Alliance members, and to all non-members who complete the survey (and leave a contact e-mail address).

Complete 2014 Survey