
This report presents the findings of an evaluative study of the use and impact of the Open University course KG097 Foundations for self-directed support in Scotland (‘the course’) since its launch in April 2013. This is an online course which was created with the support of the Scottish Government to support the dissemination of knowledge and understanding of self-directed support (SDS) in Scotland.

This evaluation incorporated earlier research reports on the use of the course, in particular the report on the website analytics which was presented in 2014 (Appendix 1). The patterns of use do not appear to have changed and much of the qualitative data collected for this evaluation support the findings of that examination of the analytical data.

This report presents a brief contextual introduction before presenting the process and outcomes of the evaluative study. A small number of
recommendations are offered within the context of the evidence that this course has had, and continues to have, a highly positive impact on workers, organisations and thereby on service users and carers in relation to SDS in Scotland.

The final report is available from OEP Scotland here.